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How can you make your older work computer up to 10 times faster?

The most common way to connect your storage device to older computers is to use a SATA port that works with traditional hard drives and also SSDs.

The SATA interface can limit the speed of the connected device, and if you are looking for an easy way to increase your performance, you can check if your computer has the PCIe interface.

NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory Express) is a type of SSD (Solid State Drive) that uses the PCIe interface to provide faster access to data than traditional hard drives.
Exactly how much faster an NVMe drive is depends on a variety of factors, including the device specifications of the SATA connected devices and the computer in general.
NVMe drives can be up to 10 times faster than traditional hard drives in terms of read and write speeds.

So, are you looking for a fairly easy way to boost the performance of your business's old work computers? Look for cheap surplus lots of previous generations or used NVMe drives on the secondary market!

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